When I received an invite for "Bloggers Lunch Tour" at 3M that includes discussion on budgeting tips and starting a year right, I replied with a big Yes! A big YES because I want to start my year 2012 right with 3M.

Before the event started, Rika Sophia Kamibayashi, Training & Communications Corporate Marketing & Public Affairs Manager gave us a brief history of 3M and their products.
3M was launched in 1902 in the Lake Superior town of Two Harbors, Minnesota. Five businessmen set out to mine a mineral deposit for grinding wheel abrasives but they came up with focusing on sandpaper products when they discovered that mining deposits were a little value.
Today 3M operates companies in more than 65 countries and manufactures and sells products in over 200 countries. In the Philippines, 3M was established in 1964 with now over 200 employees nationwide with its local office located in McKinley Hill, Fort Bonifacio and two satellite offices located in Cebu and Davao.
3M employs about 80,000 people worldwide.

3M captures the spark of new ideas and transforms them into thousands of ingenious products. The company's culture of creative collaboration inspires a never ending stream of powerful technologies that make life better. 3M is the innovation company that never stops inventing.

See the photo above. Here's a little trivia. The first man to set foot on the moon has 3M adhesives in his shoes.
How to start right 2012 with 3M.
New Year is all about beginnings - looking forward to what's in store for us in the coming year. but the New Year is also about looking back and reflecting on the changes we want to make.
As a blogger, the first in my list, of course aside from one of my resolutions and that is to have a healthy sleeping pattern is to be more organized this coming 2012. My workstation needs to be organized. Posting what I need to do and what I need to accomplish for the day should be listed down and stick to and should be accomplished in a day. I have joined before Post-it Notes meme and I hope it helps also in reality by posting down right in my computer reminders for some tasks and other projects need to be done.
3M in my life.
Honestly, I only know one clear tape and never in my whole life did I call it tape or clear tape. I'm sure you do too. We all call the clear tape as Scotch Tape. There is only one Scotch Tape that I use and never thought of it as a brand. Actually, Scotch Tape is a brand of 3M. It just simply lives in our lives. Scotch Tape, that is!
I am truly amazed with all the 3M products but what amazed me more is the Scotch Reusable Mounting Products. You can use it again and again. Amazing isn't it? This is just unbelievable but it's true and you can just wash it with soapy water and rinse and air dry and then ready to use again, again, again and again.

Scotch Reusable Mounting products are ideal for use on most flat surfaces, including stainless steel, plastic, concrete, glass, wood and painted walls. For best results, it is recommended to clean the wall-surface.
Scotch Reusable Mounting Products are now available in all National Book Store outlets nationwide. It will be soon available in SM Supplies Station Department, SM Hypermarket, SM Supermarket, Save More, Ace Hardware. Ace Express, True Value, Handyman Hardware and Office Warehouse.
3M Tour
We were lucky to have a tour inside Customer Technical Center. Technical Service Engineer - Consumer & Office Business Emerson John G. Tiu Ng toured us around and showed us the product lines of 3M and new formulas and how the products are being developed.

And here are the other photos inside the area where you can see all the products of 3M!

3M Businesses
Consumer and Office Business, Display and Graphics Business, Electro and Communications Business, Health Care Business, Industrial and Transportation Business and Safety, Security and Protection Services Business.

These bloggers are lucky enough to have been apart of 3M tour. They, not only learned more about 3M products but also learned more tips on how to be more organized this coming year 2012 and I was one of the lucky bloggers too.

One of the games we had was picking what's the genuine Post-it. Few came up with the correct answer. It is very simple to identify what's the real Post-it. Post-it is tidy and clean, never bends and it conforms.

Our Fashion Style Workstation. We made our workstation as organized as we can using 3M products but we ended up to 3rd place out of 3 groups.
More of 3M Products

During the press conference, bloggers were given a chance to ask more about 3M products. Bloggers ask more about new 3M inventions and the new Scotch Reusable Mounting Products.

Do you have any test reports on the strength of Scotch Reusable Mounting Products? The weight that the products can hold?
The maximum weight is 1lb and it is positioned for lightweight mounting/securing. The reusable feature has been tested and the product is useable for more than 10 times.

For more information, please visit: